The Gauteng government, under the leadership of Premier Panyaza Lesufi, has recognized the critical importance of providing the youth with skills to enable them to secure jobs.  Such  an initiative is the Gauteng  Skilling Intervention Programmes and is set to launch an unprecedented campaign.

According to Premier Lesufi’s here is what’s to come: “Get ready for the biggest and massive re-skilling programme for the unemployed. Bigger and Bolder ‘Abolova basekasi skilling intervention programme

Launch date: 06th April 2024

Premier’s Vision: Skilling Intervention Programme

Premier Panyaza Lesufi’s recent statement lays out an ambitious and transformative vision for the province. This bold proclamation highlight the government’s commitment to action and results, emphasizing the scale and intensity of the upcoming ‘Abolova basekasi skilling intervention programme’.

The programme promises to be a cornerstone of the Gauteng Provincial Government’s efforts to combat unemployment and to ignite economic momentum, reiterating the Premier’s hashtagged battle cry, #GrowingGautengTogether, as a rallying point for collective action.

The Essence of the Skilling Intervention Programme

The Skilling Intervention Programme spearheaded by the Gauteng government is a visionary endeavor that embodies the spirit of ‘Ubuntu’—I am because we are. It’s an acknowledgement that the development of each individual contributes to the prosperity of society as a whole. By bridging the gap between the untapped potential of the populace and the demands of an evolving job market, this programme stands as a pillar of progress.

The core of this initiative lies in its comprehensive skillset offerings, which cater to a broad spectrum of economic sectors and personal interests. Let’s delve deeper into the essence of the programme and its pivotal role in shaping the workforce:

Tailored to Modern Needs

The programme’s curriculum is carefully curated to encompass a variety of disciplines:

  • Traditional Trades: Mastery of trades such as plumbing, carpentry, sewing, and bricklaying provides the foundation for infrastructural development and maintenance, which are crucial to the economic stability and growth of any community.
  • Technology and Innovation: With ICT skills, participants are positioned at the forefront of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, able to navigate, contribute to, and benefit from the global digital transformation.
  • Healthcare and Social Services: Training in ancillary healthcare and counselling equips individuals with the skills to support the physical and emotional well-being of their communities, addressing both medical and social needs.
  • Agricultural Sciences: As agriculture forms the backbone of food security, skills in this domain are not just about sustenance but also about the potential for agripreneurship and innovation in farming techniques.
  • Project Management and Entrepreneurial Skills: These cross-functional skills are essential for the successful planning, execution, and scaling of business ideas and community projects.

Responsive to Change

Recognizing the rapid pace at which the job market evolves, the programme is dynamic, regularly updating its curriculum to remain relevant. By anticipating market trends and shifts, the Skilling Intervention Programme ensures that its participants are always ahead of the curve.

Inclusive and Empowering

Inclusivity is a hallmark of the programme, aiming to accommodate individuals of varying educational backgrounds, skill levels, and interests. Whether it’s a young person seeking direction or an older individual looking to pivot their career, the programme is tailored to meet them where they are.

A Foundation for Growth

Beyond imparting practical skills, the programme instills a mindset of growth and adaptability. It emphasizes not just employment, but also the entrepreneurial spirit, encouraging participants to envision and create their own opportunities.

In essence, the Skilling Intervention Programme is more than a training initiative—it’s a transformative force that equips individuals with the means to craft their destiny, uplift their communities, and contribute to the greater narrative of Gauteng’s success story.

Crafting a Sustainable Future Through Diverse Skill Sets

The list of skills taught through these programmes is extensive:

  1. Plumbing
  2. Carpentry
  3. Sewing
  4. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  5. Welding
  6. Baking
  7. Bricklaying
  8. Counselling and Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PRH)
  9. Motor Mechanic
  10. Electricity
  11. Ancillary Healthcare
  12. Early Childhood Development
  13. End-user Computing
  14. Beadwork
  15. Sewing
  16. Agricultural Science
  17. Occupational Health and Safety
  18. Building
  19. Gardening
  20. Call Centre
  21. Carpentry (IT Computer Training)
  22. Applied Agriculture and Agricultural Technology
  23. Tiling
  24. Project Management
  25. Computer Training
  26. Learners’ License
  27. Drivers’ License
  28. Bicycle Repairs
  29. Debtors Control
  30. Upholstery
  31. Jewellery Design and Manufacturing

These skills are not just random selections; they are carefully chosen to fill gaps in the local economy, ensuring that participants can find employment or create their own business opportunities upon completion.

Benefits of the Skilling Intervention Programme

The benefits of participating in skilling intervention programmes are numerous, both for individuals and the community at large:

  1. Employability: Equipping individuals with relevant skills increases their chances of finding employment.
  2. Economic Growth: As more people become employable, the local economy benefits from their contributions.
  3. Social Upliftment: Skilled individuals can contribute positively to their communities, often leading to a reduction in social ills.
  4. Self-sufficiency: With the right skills, individuals can become entrepreneurs, creating their own business ventures and employment opportunities.

A Guide to Participation

To participate in these skilling intervention programmes, individuals typically need to meet certain eligibility criteria, which may include age, educational background, and residency within Gauteng. Interested parties should contact the local government offices or visit their website for the most up-to-date information on how to apply.

Related: Minister Blade Nzimande to Inaugurate the National Artisan Development Academy in Bloemfontein

The Gauteng government’s skilling intervention programmes are a beacon of hope for many, symbolizing the commitment to transforming the economic landscape through skill development. As individuals gain expertise in various trades and professions, they not only enhance their personal lives but also contribute to the broader vision of a thriving, empowered society in Gauteng.

In conclusion, these programmes are not just about learning a skill; they are about shaping the future of Gauteng and its people. It’s about crafting a narrative of empowerment, growth, and sustainable development that will resonate for generations to come.
