Are you a budding environmental scientist, chemist, or microbiologist seeking practical experience to complete your National Diploma? The Rand Water Experiential Training Program is your ideal springboard into the world of water quality and sustainability.

This 15-month temporary program, based in Vereeniging, Gauteng, offers a rigorous training environment aimed at equipping young South Africans with the necessary skills and experience to thrive in the water services industry.


Rand Water Experiential Training Program Overview

  • Duration: 15 Months
  • Location: Scientific Services, Vereeniging, Gauteng, South Africa
  • Closing Date for Applications: 2024/05/10
  • Reference Number: RAN240503-1
    Positions Available:
    Chemistry: 3
    Microbiology: 4
    Hydrobiology: 2

Minimum Requirements

To be eligible for the Rand Water Experiential Training Program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Completion of two years of theoretical training as required for a National Diploma in Biotechnology, Microbiology, Environmental Sciences, or Chemistry.
  • South African citizenship with a valid SA ID document.
  • Applicants should be under the age of 35, aligning with the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS).
  • No previous participation in experiential learning programs and must require this experience to fulfill their diploma requirements.

Key Duties in the Program

Participants in the Rand Water Experiential Training Program will be immersed in a variety of critical and hands-on tasks tailored to provide comprehensive training in water services operations. These tasks are designed to bolster both technical skills and industry knowledge, ensuring participants are well-prepared for professional opportunities in water quality management and environmental sciences.

  • Application of ISO 17025 Standards: Trainees will learn to apply the international standards of ISO 17025, which pertain to the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. This includes understanding the quality management system requirements, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of tests, and calibrating laboratory instruments.
  • Collection and Analysis of Water Samples: Participants will regularly collect water samples from various designated sites and perform thorough analysis to assess water quality. This involves physical, chemical, and biological testing to monitor contaminants and ensure water safety according to national and international standards.
  • Preparation of Media, Chemicals, Reagents, and Samples: A key part of laboratory work, trainees will prepare the necessary media and reagents required for microbiological and chemical analyses. This includes accurately measuring, mixing, and storing compounds to ensure they meet the stringent requirements for valid testing.
  • Performing Analytical Tests and Documentation: The program includes performing a range of analytical tests such as pH, conductivity, turbidity, and microbial content analysis. Trainees will also learn to document the procedures and results in line with professional standards, ensuring data integrity and traceability.
  • Quality Control and Validation of Analytical Methods: Participants will conduct regular quality control checks to validate the analytical methods used in the laboratory. This critical role ensures that all testing procedures and results are reliable, reproducible, and consistent with established scientific protocols.
  • Maintenance of Laboratory Equipment and Instrumentation: Proper maintenance and calibration of laboratory equipment are crucial for accurate testing. Trainees will be responsible for the regular upkeep, troubleshooting, and repair of laboratory instruments to prevent downtime and ensure continuous operational capacity.
  • Adherence to Safety and Health Practices: Safety is paramount in laboratory environments. Participants will be trained in the proper handling of hazardous materials, waste management, emergency procedures, and the use of personal protective equipment to maintain a safe and healthy workplace.
  • Collaborative Projects and Teamwork: Trainees will have opportunities to work on collaborative projects that simulate real-world environmental issues, encouraging teamwork, problem-solving, and project management skills. These projects are designed to mimic industry tasks and challenges, providing a realistic training experience.
  • Client Interaction and Communication: Effective communication skills are developed through interactions with colleagues, supervisors, and external stakeholders such as government agencies and community organizations. Trainees will learn to present data and findings, write reports, and participate in discussions regarding water quality management.

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Skills and Attitudes for Success

Candidates considering the Rand Water Experiential Training Program should possess a diverse set of skills and attitudes that are crucial for success in the demanding field of water services. These competencies range from technical expertise and communication skills to personal attributes that enhance workplace effectiveness and adaptability.

  • Strong Theoretical Knowledge: Candidates should have a solid grounding in their respective fields of study, such as Biotechnology, Microbiology, Environmental Sciences, or Chemistry. This includes understanding core principles, methodologies, and the ability to apply this knowledge in practical settings.
  • Effective Communication: Proficiency in both writing and verbal communication is essential. This includes the ability to compile detailed reports, document processes and results clearly, and communicate complex information to peers, supervisors, and stakeholders effectively.
  • Computer Literacy: Competency in using computer software is crucial, particularly in word processing and spreadsheet applications. Skills should include data entry, analysis using spreadsheets, and the ability to navigate and utilize industry-specific software for laboratory management and data reporting.
  • Analytical Thinking and Problem-Solving: The ability to assess problems, analyze underlying factors, and propose effective solutions is vital. This includes critical thinking skills that enable trainees to approach laboratory challenges with a methodical and insightful perspective.
  • Organizational Abilities: Effective prioritization and the ability to manage time efficiently are key. Candidates must demonstrate the capability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, meet deadlines, and adjust schedules in response to changing laboratory dynamics.
  • Conscientiousness and Attention to Detail: Precision and a meticulous approach to tasks are imperative in a laboratory setting. This involves careful handling of samples, accurate measurement and recording of data, and strict adherence to protocols to ensure reliable and valid results.
  • Adaptability and Flexibility: The willingness to work flexible hours, including after hours, weekends, and public holidays, as required by the program’s demands. Candidates should be adaptable to changing schedules and project needs.
  • Self-Motivation and Initiative: Trainees should be self-driven to achieve high standards of performance and continuously seek opportunities for improvement and learning within the program.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: While independence is valuable, the ability to work effectively as part of a team is equally important. Candidates should be able to collaborate with colleagues, share responsibilities, and contribute to joint projects and problem-solving efforts.
  • Professionalism and Ethical Conduct: Maintaining a professional demeanor in all interactions within and outside the organization is critical. This includes ethical conduct, respect for colleagues and community partners, and a commitment to the ethical guidelines of environmental and laboratory practices.

How to Apply

To apply, submit your comprehensive application by the closing date of May 10, 2024. This is a competitive program, so ensure your application highlights your educational background, skills, and why you are a suitable candidate for this opportunity.

Application Requirements

Ensure your application is complete with the following documents:

  • A letter of application and a detailed Curriculum Vitae.
  • A recommendation letter from your tertiary institute confirming the requirement of workplace training.
  • Certified copies of your ID and academic transcripts.

Why Join the Rand Water Experiential Training Program?

Joining the Rand Water Experiential Training Program is an exceptional opportunity that places you at the cutting edge of South Africa’s efforts towards water sustainability and environmental protection. This program not only facilitates the completion of your diploma through practical, hands-on experience but also sets the stage for a multitude of professional benefits and personal growth opportunities.

  • Invaluable Industry Experience: The training program offers a practical, real-world application of theoretical knowledge, providing trainees with firsthand experience in water quality analysis, environmental science, and related technologies. This experience is highly valued in the job market, significantly enhancing employability.
  • Expert Guidance and Mentorship: Trainees will receive guidance and mentorship from experienced professionals in the field. This exposure to seasoned experts helps in nurturing a professional demeanor and acquiring nuanced industry insights that are rarely gained in classroom settings.
  • Networking Opportunities: Participants will interact with professionals both within and outside Rand Water, including stakeholders from governmental and environmental organizations. These interactions can lead to future job opportunities and collaborations.
  • Contribution to Important Environmental Work: Trainees contribute directly to the management and preservation of water resources, a critical area in South Africa given the country’s water scarcity issues. This makes their role pivotal to national sustainability efforts.
  • Certifications and Recognitions: The program adheres to high standards such as ISO 17025, providing trainees with certifications that are recognized globally. Such credentials are instrumental in building a distinguished CV.
  • Skill Enhancement: Beyond technical skills, the program enhances soft skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving, which are crucial for personal and professional success.
  • Sense of Accomplishment: Completing this rigorous program provides a profound sense of achievement and confidence, boosting one’s morale and self-esteem.
  • Community Impact: By ensuring the safety and quality of water, trainees make a tangible difference in the lives of communities, contributing to health and wellness across regions, which offers a gratifying sense of purpose.
  • Foundation for Further Education and Specialization: The practical experience and knowledge gained can serve as a foundation for further studies and specialization in fields like environmental management, public health, or water resource engineering.
  • Pathway to Leadership Roles: The skills and experience acquired can pave the way for advancement into leadership and management positions within the environmental and water management sectors.

This program not only enhances your practical skills but also strengthens your professional network within the water services sector, offering a robust foundation for your career. Don’t miss this exceptional opportunity to turn your academic knowledge into practical expertise!

